Julie Ann Call Photography~ Hawaii

4928 photos, 1 videos

Aloha Y'all!


I'm a recently Retired Wedding Photographer. After 30 years in professional photography, I have decided to retire from Wedding Photography.  As I live and work here in Paradise-on the gorgeous island of Oahu, I am still carrying a camera or two wherever we decide to explore. I will occasionally accept head shots or family photos. These appointments are subject to my availability. The wedding albums on my site will soon be deleted. I am offering my wedding couples an ample amount of time to download extra copies of their digital files before I delete these albums. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve so many beautiful families over the years. I am grateful that I remain in touch with so many of you as your families grow. I enjoy these connections as we became good friends during the process of planning your weddings. It is one of the things I will miss most- Getting to know new couples.


Want to keep in touch? Follow me on my New Accounts! My current Instagram page associated with this account : @julieanncall will soon be deleted. I can be found @soultravelprintsanddesign on Instagram. I post daily about Island Life, Travel and Inspiring Design works.

Thank you All for your Love and Support over the years,




As an experienced Photographer and an Artist, I have recently opened up a Travel Print and Design Shop Online: 

Soul Travel Prints and Designs  Instagram @soultravelprintsanddesign


Contact Info
AddressHonolulu, HI
United States
Daytime phone8436968702
Evening phone843-696-8702
Mobile phone8436968702
send message
Web sitevisit website
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Featured Galleries & Collections
Video-Julie Ann Call PhotographyAmanda and Greg~ Kualoa Ranch WeddingRay and Roman Wedding- Secret Island and Hale NaneaAloha Animal SanctuaryAloha Animal Sanctuary with Home Depot

Recently Added
Chea and Chris- Moli'i Gardens, Kualoa RanchSamuelAva and BrooksAloha Animal Sanctuary with Home DepotMielke ProofsThe Smith familyAloha Animal Sanctuary March '23Aloha Animal Sanctuary- Ho'ola and Daisy

All Photographs